UW’s Wyoming SBDC Network Awarded SBA Cybersecurity Grant

The Wyoming Small Business Development Center (SBDC) Network at the University of Wyoming is one of six nationwide to receive the U.S. Small Business Administration’s (SBA) Cybersecurity for Small Business Pilot Program. Awardees are all state entities that will assist small businesses in advancing cybersecurity infrastructure and mitigating cyber threats.

Plan for Your Company’s Digital Future

Plan for Your Company’s Digital Future

A client from Casper recently called me up and asked a tricky question, “How do I prepare my business for the digital future?” As I thought about how to answer that question I couldn’t help but remember (and I know I’m dating myself) how cool the DROID sound was on...
How To Travel Securely With Your Computer and Devices

How To Travel Securely With Your Computer and Devices

I recently returned from a business trip, so this topic is fresh on my mind.  There are a lot of different levels of protection you may need depending on where you are going and what information and communication you have to keep from prying eyes.  Here is what I...
Cybersecurity Takes Place Offline, Too

Cybersecurity Takes Place Offline, Too

Most of the time cybersecurity focuses on online threats. While this is important as there are plenty of people fiddling to see if they can trick you or find a way to remotely break into your computer or online accounts, sometimes we let our guard down in our physical...
Business Health Check-up for the New Year

Business Health Check-up for the New Year

The New Year is when many of us attempt to revisit and revise our personal habits. It’s also a great time to do the same with business operations. Here’s a quick business health checklist of items to consider as you look forward to a successful 2022 for your business:...

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Contact your local small business advisor today for no-cost, confidential assistance

Accessibility Information

All Wyoming SBDC Network programs and services are provided to the public on a nondiscriminatory basis. Reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities will be made if requested at least two weeks in advance. Language assistance services for clients with limited English proficiency will be provided. Contact: Jill Kline at (307) 766-3405 or [email protected]
Funded in part through a Cooperative Agreement with the U.S. Small Business Administration.

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